Saving SSRS Subscriptions to File

In working with SSRS I found that if I wanted to do a delete of an RDL.  Problem is if I delete an RDL the Subscriptions are deleted as well.   So since I’ve put most all of my SSRS File management and Data source creation in Continuous Integration I needed a way to save off subscriptions before I attempted a delete.  This article is about the PowerShell I wrote to accomplish this task.

If you’ve been following my other blog posts on SSRS you’ll know I’ve written about creating an SSRS Datasource. Testing an SSRS Datasource in each of these scripts I start with the following :  Reportservice2010.asmx Webservice to get to any functions that are needed to operate on SSRS. I assume you’ve read one of these articles and that you need to get a proxy to this.

Onto the method that we’ll call to get the two different types of SSRS Subscriptions:

Normal subscriptions & DataDriven Subscriptions

For a normal subscription you’ll need to call the method listSubscriptions . This method expects the name of the report that you wish to get the subscriptions for.  To get the names of the reports we’ll use the .listChildren method and list all the children of the current site and then find each subscription for each report.

function Get-Subscriptions
  param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$site, [switch]$DataDriven)
  write-verbose 'Path to where the reports are must be specified to get the subscriptions you want.. Root (/) does not seem to get everything'
  $items = $ssrsproxy.ListChildren($site,$true) | Where-Object{$_.typename -eq 'report'}
  $subprops = $ddProps= @()

Now that we have the list of reports in the $items variable we can now ask for the subscription foreach item

foreach($item in $items)
 $subs = $ssrsproxy.ListSubscriptions($item.path)


Now that we have our Subscriptions in the $subs variable we can now check to see if there was a return result if there was a return result we can then the the properties of each subscription type. We’ll know that we have a DataDriven subscripition by the property each of the subscriptions in the $subs array (.isdatadriven -eq $true)

   foreach($sub in $subs)

    if($sub.isdatadriven -eq 'true')
        $ddProps += Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties -subscription $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy
      elseif(-not $DataDriven)
        $subProps += Get-SubscriptionProperties -subscriptionid $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy

 else {

Now Onto explaining the Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties and the Get-Subscription Properties.

The Get-SubscriptionProperties calls the method GetSubcriptionProperties with the ID of the subscription and then returns 7 objects through a reference.   In the function below I first set all the 7 reference variables to null then I call the method.  On successful return from the method I add to my powershell object [SSRSObject] (which is a  powershell class). If I choose to not use a class and instead want to use a standard object the standard object code is commented out so that it can be used if needed.

function Get-SubscriptionProperties
 $subextensionSettings = $subDataRetrievalPlan = $subDescription = $subactive = $substatus = $subeventtype = $submatchdata = $subparameters = $Null

 $subOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetSubscriptionProperties($subscription.SubscriptionID,[ref]$subextensionSettings,[ref]$subDescription,[ref]$subactive,[ref]$substatus,[ref]$subeventtype,[ref]$submatchdata,[ref]$subparameters)
 $ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
 $ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
 $ssrsobject.Owner = $subOwner
 $ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $subextensionSettings
 $ssrsobject.Description = $subDescription
 $ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $subDataRetrievalPlan
 $ssrsobject.Active = $subactive
 $ssrsobject.Status = $substatus
 $ssrsobject.EventType = $subeventtype
 $ssrsobject.MatchData = $submatchdata
 $ssrsobject.Parameters = $subparameters
 'Owner' = $subOwner
 'extensionSettings' = $subextensionSettings
 'Description' = $subDescription
 'active' = $subactive
 'status' =$substatus
 'eventtype' =$subeventtype 
 'matchdata' = $submatchdata
 'parameters' = $subparameters

For calling the Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties we do all the same things as with the previous subscription type.  We call the method GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties it returns the same 7 reference objects.  On successful return from the method I add to my powershell object [SSRSObject] (which is a  powershell class). If I choose to not use a class and instead want to use a standard object the standard object code is commented out so that it can be used if needed.

function Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties 
 param([object] $Subscription,
 $ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
 $sid = $Subscription.SubscriptionID
 $ddextensionSettings = $ddDataRetrievalPlan = $ddDescription = $ddactive = $ddstatus = $ddeventtype = $ddmatchdata = $ddparameters = $Null
 $ddOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties($sid,[ref]$ddextensionSettings,[ref]$ddDataRetrievalPlan`

 $ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
 $ssrsobject.Owner = $ddOwner
 $ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $ddextensionSettings
 $ssrsobject.Description = $ddDescription
 $ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
 $ssrsobject.Active = $ddactive
 $ssrsobject.Status = $ddstatus
 $ssrsobject.EventType = $ddeventtype
 $ssrsobject.MatchData = $ddmatchdata
 $ssrsobject.Parameters = $ddparameters
 <# [PSCustomObject]@{
 'Owner' = $ddOwner
 'extensionSettings' = $ddextensionSettings
 'DataRetrievalPlan' = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
 'Description' = $ddDescription
 'active' = $ddactive
 'status' =$ddstatus
 'eventtype' =$ddeventtype 
 'matchdata' = $ddmatchdata
 'parameters' = $ddparameters
 } #>

Now that I have each of the reports in an object  I now persist this to disk with either Export-clixml or with convertto-json cmdlets

function New-XMLSubscriptionfile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path)
if(test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path

if(-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName.xml"
$sub | Export-Clixml -Depth 100 -path $filename

function New-JsonSubscriptionFile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path)
if(test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path

if(-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName.json"
$sub | convertto-json -Depth 100 | out-file $filename

To see the entire script see this Gist

#requires -version 5.0
function Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties
param([object] $Subscription,
$ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
$sid = $Subscription.SubscriptionID
$ddextensionSettings = $ddDataRetrievalPlan = $ddDescription = $ddactive = $ddstatus = $ddeventtype = $ddmatchdata = $ddparameters = $Null
$ddOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties($sid,[ref]$ddextensionSettings,[ref]$ddDataRetrievalPlan`
$ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
$ssrsobject.Owner = $ddOwner
$ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $ddextensionSettings
$ssrsobject.Description = $ddDescription
$ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
$ssrsobject.Active = $ddactive
$ssrsobject.Status = $ddstatus
$ssrsobject.EventType = $ddeventtype
$ssrsobject.MatchData = $ddmatchdata
$ssrsobject.Parameters = $ddparameters
<# [PSCustomObject]@{
'Owner' = $ddOwner
'extensionSettings' = $ddextensionSettings
'DataRetrievalPlan' = $ddDataRetrievalPlan
'Description' = $ddDescription
'active' = $ddactive
'status' =$ddstatus
'eventtype' =$ddeventtype
'matchdata' = $ddmatchdata
'parameters' = $ddparameters
} #>
function Get-SubscriptionProperties
$subextensionSettings = $subDataRetrievalPlan = $subDescription = $subactive = $substatus = $subeventtype = $submatchdata = $subparameters = $Null
$subOwner = $ssrsproxy.GetSubscriptionProperties($subscription.SubscriptionID,[ref]$subextensionSettings,[ref]$subDescription,[ref]$subactive,[ref]$substatus,[ref]$subeventtype,[ref]$submatchdata,[ref]$subparameters)
$ssrsobject = [SSRSObject]::New()
$ssrsobject.subscription = $Subscription
$ssrsobject.Owner = $subOwner
$ssrsobject.ExtensionSettings = $subextensionSettings
$ssrsobject.Description = $subDescription
$ssrsobject.DataRetrievalPlan = $subDataRetrievalPlan
$ssrsobject.Active = $subactive
$ssrsobject.Status = $substatus
$ssrsobject.EventType = $subeventtype
$ssrsobject.MatchData = $submatchdata
$ssrsobject.Parameters = $subparameters
'Owner' = $subOwner
'extensionSettings' = $subextensionSettings
'Description' = $subDescription
'active' = $subactive
'status' =$substatus
'eventtype' =$subeventtype
'matchdata' = $submatchdata
'parameters' = $subparameters
function Get-Subscriptions
#Returns a nested object with each
param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$site, [switch]$DataDriven)
#write-verbose 'Path to where the reports are must be specified to get the subscriptions you want.. Root (/) does not seem to get everything'
$items = $ssrsproxy.ListChildren($site,$true) | Where-Object{$_.typename -eq 'report'}
$subprops = $ddProps= @()
foreach($item in $items)
$subs = $ssrsproxy.ListSubscriptions($item.path)
write-verbose "found $($subs.count) subscriptions for $($item.Name)"
foreach($sub in $subs)
if($sub.isdatadriven -eq 'true')
$ddProps += Get-DataDrivenSubscriptionProperties -subscription $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy
elseif(-not $DataDriven)
$subProps += Get-SubscriptionProperties -subscriptionid $sub -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy
else {
function New-XMLSubscriptionfile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path)
if(test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path
if(-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName.xml"
$sub | Export-Clixml -Depth 100 -path $filename
function New-JsonSubscriptionFile
param([psobject]$subscriptionObject, [string]$path)
if(test-path $path -PathType Leaf)
$path = split-path $path
if(-not(test-path $path))
mkdir $path
foreach($sub in $subscriptionObject)
$reportName = (($'.'))[0]
$filename = "$path\$reportName.json"
$sub | convertto-json -Depth 100 | out-file $filename
Function Export-DataDrivenSubscriptions
param([object]$ssrsproxy, [string]$site, [string]$path, [switch]$json)
$subs = get-subscriptions -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -site $site -DataDriven
{New-JsonSubscriptionFile -subscriptionObject $subs -path $path}
{New-XMLSubscriptionfile -subscriptionObject $subs -path $Path}
class SSRSObject

I hope this helps someone

Until then keep Scripting


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